Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Data Mining using SPSS Modeller1


my supervisor have provided some feedback for the proposal

there is some small changes, will you be able to help to do the modelling. the proposed methods you selected

however, he recommended to do 3 instead of 4 due to insufficient time

Chapter 3:
In the data understanding section of the report, you will have to describe the actual datasets, focusing more on the variables that you will be using for the model, as well as the data transformation and cleaning techniques.

Chapter 4:

The modelling techniques you have chosen are suitable for classification projects. However, the techniques to be chosen will still depend on your actual datasets. As discussed, you should not restrict yourself to a single type of decision tree, as there might be a more suitable technique than CART, depending on data.

The four model: ANN, discriminant analysis, decision tree and logistic regression. Don’t need do all 4, just 3 can already.

this was what i submitted

What need to be done:

1. Linkage of lit review to proposed method
why you choose the proposed method

2. Data understand & preparation (Chapter 3)
describe the actual datasets, focusing more on the variables that you will be using for the model, as well as the data transformation and cleaning techniques.

3. Proposed method (use 3)
The modelling techniques you have chosen are suitable for classification projects. However, the techniques to be chosen will still depend on your actual datasets. As discussed, you should not restrict yourself to a single type of decision tree, as there might be a more suitable technique than CART, depending on data.

i summarized it.

Chapter 5: RecoOnly chapter 3,4 and 5 remember 18 page or 5000 word.(close) Considering 275 word per page. Plus include necessary diagram or chart in between Any thing if you want to fit in Appendix then you can fit. Below is the dataset and sample Remember in the proposal which is already done,I recommended Logistic regression,CARD,Artificial Neural Network and Discriminant Analysis You only need to select 3 morel from these four.mmendation and conclusion of the results

Chapter 3: In the data understanding section of the report, you will have to describe the actual datasets, focusing more on the variables that you will be using for the model, as well as the data transformation and cleaning techniques. Chapter 4: The modelling techniques you have chosen are suitable for classification projects. However, the techniques to be chosen will still depend on your actual datasets. As discussed, you should not restrict yourself to a single type of decision tree, as there might be a more suitable technique than CART, depending on data. done 4 days ago Also write as per the marks. Recommendations and conclusion has more weightage so write more then chapter 4 and then chapter 3 done 4 days ago In case of any confusion you can let me know Remember to use only SPSS Modeller as I stated in the initial instruction.

Mathematics Homework Help