Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Purdue Global University Health Outcomes Miami Dade County Question


Based on Miami Dade County – zip code : 33183

Using the “How Healthy Is Your Community?” search tool, in the County Health Rankings & Roadmap website, look up your county’s health ranking report.

  1. Choose a health problem in your community according to your county’s health ranking report.
  2. Write a brief summary regarding the health issue you have chosen, including statistics.
  3. Using the health problem as an example, discuss the first steps you will take to assess the needs of your community to address the issue. Include:
    1. A short description of the geographic community you will target.
    2. The population groups you will focus on (specific age group, minority groups, etc.)
    3. Suggest sites where the assessment could be conducted (schools, healthcare institutions, worksites, nonprofit organizations, etc.)
  4. Choose at least 3 of the 10 essential health services you will use to address this issue. Provide a short description of how each essential public health service will be applied.


County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (2021). State reports.

Health Medical Homework Help