Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Project Disaster Recovery Plan Paper Discussion


There are several natural disaster threats to information system infrastructure components such as storms, power outages, and earthquakes. Physical security involves methods for securing equipment, securing building access, and fire protection. Data and knowledge are key assets for business organizations. It is essential that hardware, software, communications and data, and knowledge are available when needed. Imagine you are in charge of IT security for a company. How would you plan for a natural disaster that rendered the building and servers inoperable? Where would you store backups? What would be your plan for recovering normal operations?

In a three-page paper, not including the title and reference pages, develop an outline of a disaster recovery plan. Define the purpose of a disaster recovery plan, identify and list common components of a disaster recovery plan, and explain at least two common strategies that businesses use for securing hardware, software, communications and data, and knowledge.

All references must be in APA style and from credible academic resources, including peer-reviewed industry trade publications or articles from the SNHU Shapiro Library database system.

Engineering Homework Help