Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. University of Miami Artificial Intelligence Technology and Global Dominance Essay


For this essay, you are to use Science in Action as an interpretive lens in order to explore this collective process by which a fact is made as well as how that fact is employed. That is, you are to choose a fact and, after doing some research, interrogate that fact. This fact may, like most of those in Science in Action, be based in science, but it may also come from a different discipline. It may be helpful to choose a fact that is part of a larger controversy. For example, you might look at a fact related to climate change, such as AOC’s “the world is going to end in 12 years, if we don’t address climate change.” Looking at such a fact should help you build a case for the importance of your argument.      As you carry-out the research and write the essay, you should consider the following questions: How was the fact constructed? How did it become widely accepted? How has it been mobilized? Your essay may focus on one of these questions, or on a combination of all three. As part of your argument, you don’t necessarily have to disprove a fact, but you should highlight ways in which understanding where it comes from might allow it to be more usefully employed.         Because the match between lens and new material will never be perfect, you need to remember that whenever you apply the lens A to a new subject B, you are taking lens A from its original context and using its ideas in somewhat different circumstances for at least somewhat different purposes. Using the lens in a different context upon a different kind of information will often require you to adjust the lens—to refocus it a bit to bring this new content into clear focus. – Writing Analytically (63).         For this essay you are expected to carry out some research, engage with sources, and accurately cite those sources according to a standard style (such as MLA). You will be required to cite at least three sources. One strategy you could use to explore your chosen fact would be to identify areas of tension between popular and academic articles on the issue.

Writing Homework Help