Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Belhaven University Cognitive Development in Adolescents Discussion


Adolescence is a time of rapid physical and cognitive changes. Brain development during adolescence begins in the back of the brain and moves forward to the pre-frontal cortex. This area of the brain is responsible for our higher level thinking, decision making, judgement, and problem solving.

Discuss how cognitive development (according to Piaget) may limit an adolescent’s ability to make good decisions and how this may impact risk taking and risky behaviors. Be specific as you can by using examples to illustrate your points.

Your response should be a minimum of 2 to and a maximum of 3 paragraphs in length. You should cite references when necessary (This should always be done whether you are using your textbook or another outside source.) Be sure to cite the page from which you retrieved the answer from you text in the following way: (Craig & Dunn, p. 124). Make sure that you are summarizing the text using your own words. Do not quote directly from the text. Be mindful of using proper grammar and spelling. Please be specific in your example. It is not enough to say, “I believe…” You need to support your response with theory and evidence outside of opinion.


Title Understanding Human Development 4th Ed.
Author Wendy L. Dunn & Grace J. Craig
ISBN 978-0-13-448402-0
Publisher Pearson

Health Medical Homework Help