Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Belhaven University Interesting Incidence of Workplace Violence Questions


For this assignment please do all the questions below

1. . Bring some ideas for WPV video topics
2. Collect 3 videos/PSAs/how-to clips, etc. that provide inspiration for your script and video. And for each video answer three questions below
a. What are the strengths and weaknesses of these videos and the content?
b. What made these videos engaging/educational?
c. What elements might you incorporate into your script/videos?
Notes: Make sure Video is about LETI’s healthcare system and give me the YouTube about the video so I need to show t them the video

Below all the information about topic you can get so information

WPV video scripts: BRAINSTORMING

• Scripts providing education to people about WPV and their rights as workers
• 1 or 2 scripts for videos that are between 2-5 minutes
• Collection of resources (Spanish/English) to provide on the LETI website


4 types of WPV:
1. Violence by strangers
2. Violence by customers/clients
3. Violence by co-workers
4. Violence by personal relationship, domestic violence coming to work, etc

Script/Video Ideas:

Here is some information to get you started on brainstorming and collecting information…

The 4 types of workplace violence:
1. Violence by strangers
2. Violence by customers or clients
3. Violence by co-workers
4. Violence by person relations

Questions to consider:
-What is L&I’s responsibility to keep employees safe? The L&I website has good information
-What should the targeted audience know about workplace violence?

Information from Tom Laing about LETI’s target communities:
LETI’s target communities include first and second generation Latino immigrants, both individuals and families from birth to senior care, with a specific emphasis on underserved non-English speakers, , women, youth and low income households. In addition, we now have the ability to work with some of the different dialects of Latino American natives, expanding our reach to those whose first language is not Spanish.
Clients served by-
Hispanic / Latino 85%
African American 5%
Asian / Pacific Islander 3%
Native American 1%
White 2%
Untracked 4%
Birth – 7 2%
8-17 10%
18-24 30%
25-65 40%
65+ 6%
Untracked 12%
Low 72%
Moderate 8%
Above Moderate 4%
Untracked 16%
Insurance status:
Uninsured 30%
Medicaid 40%
Medicare 3%
Dual Medicaid Medicare 3%
Private Insurance 15%
Unknown 9%

Below are all link that you will find information to use….;_ylt=AwrVA1eDnHRgZHUA0xn7w8QF;_ylu=c2VjA3NyBHNsawN2aWQEdnRpZANDMDI1NARncG9zAzMx?p=healthcare+workplace+violence+videos+osha+2020&vid=c2a0f0b3ba31ca4c35eea4c602f11935&;_ylt=Awr…….;_ylt=Awr…;_ylt=Awr…

Health Medical Homework Help