Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Miami University Chapter 8 Igneous Rocks Summary



50. Type the following coordinates into the search bar in Google Earth: 33 48 14.24  N 84 08 44.31 W. This is Stone Mountain, GA. Zoom in to an eye elevation of  ~2400 ft for a closer look. Based on the color, and assuming no color change has  occurred due to weathering at this location, what is the composition of rock? a. ultramafic b. mafic c. intermediate d. felsic 

51. Zoom out to an eye elevation of ~1500 ft so that you can see the entire mountain.  Click on the ruler icon to open up the ruler function. Select the Line tab, and  change the map length to kilometers. What is the longest length of exposed  portion of Stone Mountain? a. 3000 km b. 260 km c. 6 km d. 2.6 km

52. Based on your measurement of the longest dimension, Stone Mountain can be  classified as: a. a batholith b. a stock

53. Type the following coordinates into the search bar in Google Earth: 64 58 45.54  N 16 43 07.04 W. Zoom in to an eye elevation of ~12979 ft for a closer look.  Based on the color, what is the composition of this rock? a. ultramafic b. mafic c. intermediate d. felsic 

54. Zoom out to an eye elevation of 41,566 ft. Based on the proximity of the volcanic  crater (now containing a lake), the igneous rocks identified in question 53 are: a. extrusive b. intrusive

Science Homework Help