Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Nursing Question


I need a Health History interview paper APA format written out for me. I have the interview paper on the adult. However, (subjective data only) needs to be written in this format that I have listed within this detail information as to how to write this paper. Data must be collected and completed on the Health History interview worksheet provided that I will provide in order to write the paper. Please expected to summarize both positive and negative findings in a type-written paper in accordance to the 7th edition APA format APA style resource (Links to an external site.). The content of the paper should include the criteria listed below and further details and/or clarification will be provided later.

Health History Paper Assignment Instructions:

  • Interview a person utilizing all the interview strategies learned in the course (i.e. open questions, encouraging elaboration, exploring details, etc.) Note the reports on the Health History Worksheet I will provided later.
  • In the body of your paper, there should be an overall summary in your own words of the patient’s positive and negative subjective reports, including comments about the patient’s overall mental status.
  • The biographical data section of your paper should be in the following format that identifies 3 biographical data variables that correlate with the patient’s medical history and particular research findings. The table I will included later in the template once I we start on the paper. Do not use the patient history or research findings already listed as this will constitute as plagiarism.
  • You must complete and attach the templates below to your Health History Paper (remove all red markings).
  • Omission of health history worksheet (-3pts) No SLUMS-Mental Status Questionnaire (-1pt) This will be provided later once we start to work on the assignment together. Health History Assessment Paper Grading Rubric
    Health History Assessment Paper Grading Rubric
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubjective Data Summary(Information gathered from Interview)
    *Attach Health History Worksheet & Mini-Mental Questionnaire
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBiographical Data #1With a cited research finding
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBiographical Data #2With a cited research finding
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBiographical Data #3With a cited research finding
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNANDA Nursing Diagnosis“Actual”
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNANDA Nursing Diagnosis“Risk for”
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format:Title Page w/name of paper, student name, college & course, date (1)

    12 pt. Times New Roman (1)
    Double-Spaced with a 1-inch
    margin (2)
    Grammar & spelling (2)
    Subheadings (1)
    Citations within paper (1)
    Reference Page (1)
    Inclusion of Worksheets (1)

    Please don’t hesitate to ask any question Im here to assist in whatever seems to be confusing.

Writing Homework Help