Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. FYS 112 Augustana Tree Planting the Solution to Climate Change Research Paper


Research Paper Guidelines


You will write a paper that analyzes a topic relating in some way to the topic of this course, in other words to trees. It must be a “conversation” as it were with the material you have read during your research. You will respond to the information you have collected and analyze it. Read it closely; come up with your own “take” on the topic. With what do you agree? With what do you disagree? Where could the argument go further? Or in another direction? I don’t want to just read a summary of what you have researched. You will take your research and use it to create your own original and debatable argument/claim.


You may not submit a survey paper, i.e., a paper whose thesis simply claims that you will present current research on climate change and tree health, or a history of dendrology. You may, of course, choose something related to your major. However, do not recycle any other papers/projects, from any class for this paper.


The research paper must be a formal, academic essay, following MLA style guidelines. It must be 10 full double-spaced pages with one-inch margins, using Times New Roman, 12 font. Your Works Cited does NOT count towards your 10 pages. Please do NOT include a title page.


The paper must present both your point of view as well as another point of view. You will evaluate the other point of view respectfully either by refuting it, or by using it to bolster your own argument. Explain why the other point of view is not logical, not relevant, is outdated, etc.


Your paper must have a list of Works Cited. You must actively use and cite a MINIMUM of NINE scholarly sources. These are from scholarly journals and/or book chapters. You will use the UE databases to access the journals. You may include texts we have read in this class as well as texts from other classes, but only IN ADDITION to the other nine sources. If you choose, to write a literary analysis or a filmic analysis, the literary work or the film do not count as one of the nine sources. As you probably realized from the annotated bibliography assignment, you might not always find a source directly related to your topic.


All interviews count as one entry. All newspaper articles count as one entry. All artwork examples count as one entry. You are not required to use interviews, newspaper articles or artwork as a source. Your sources must include scholarly books and articles. Do not use encyclopedias except as additional to your nine other sources.


The research paper assignment is meant to promote thoughtful scholarship, and careful, critical, and convincing writing which includes respectfully acknowledging and evaluating other points of view. You will have a debatable, original claim, which you back up convincingly throughout the paper. You will use in text citations. Do not use „I“. You are responding critically to the texts you read. The introduction should be a roadmap to the entire essay. Your claim should be clearly stated in the introduction. In addition, create a thoughtful and intriguing title that functions as a mini-claim. Actively show how you arrived at your claim. Anticipate reader pushback and strengthen your essay by successfully recognizing and addressing possible weaknesses to your claim. Integrate your sources well. Think about transitions between paragraphs.

You are to pick a topic that relates to trees. You can use some of the class materials in addition to your new research. It is wide open since I want you to find something you are interested in. It can be related to your major but does not have to be. Just make sure you are arguing something and not just presenting a survey paper.

Writing Homework Help