Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Harvard Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter Discussion


Request: Julia is very aware of the fact that she is not her mother’s perfect Mexican daughter. We are also getting to know Olga, and, as it turns out, Olga may not have been the perfect Mexican daughter her mother thought she was. This novel is very much about the secrets we keep from our parents.

Researchers Smetana, Villalobos, Rogge, and Tasopoulos-Chan conducted a study on the rate at which adolescents keep secrets from their parents. They found that keeping secrets from mothers reflected the overall quality of the mother-child relationship.

For this response, reflect on the relationships that Julia and Olga had with their mother. Also, think about why each daughter kept secrets from their parents. Address these questions in paragraph form:

In your opinion, why would Olga keep secrets from her mother? What secrets of hers have we already uncovered?

Julia and Olga grew up in a society that is very different from the one their parents grew up in. How do you think the differences in those societies affects what the daughters feel comfortable sharing?

Do you see the same sort of secret-keeping taking place among young in your community? Why do you think some young Latinos might be uncomfortable sharing their life/school experiences with immigrant parents?

Humanities Homework Help