Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NUR 3846 Belhaven University Boosting Spiritual Resilience Questions


Resilient Factor 4: Religion and Spirituality
Southwick and Charney (2018) state, “There is no single best way to explore the spiritual dimensions of your life or to build a spiritual practice” (p. 131). Given that, they suggest the following 6 practical suggestions:
1. Set aside a time for prayer or meditation as part of your daily routine. This is often first thing in the morning, last thing at night, or both.
2. Make a regular habit of reading scriptures, sacred texts, or other writings pertaining to your chosen faith or practice.
3. Designate a physical place for your daily spiritual practice. This may be a room or small space in your home or a location in nature. It might even be in your car.
4. Practice a physically active form of spirituality such as walking prayer, yoga, martial arts, or liturgical dance.
5. Practice a creative form of spirituality such as chanting: singing or playing sacred music; painting or drawing with the goal of expressing sacred ideals; or writing spiritually inspired poetry.
6. Become part of a group that worships or practices together, such as a congregation, a scripture study group, or a prayer or a meditation circle. This community may come together in person or online.
Now, let’s think about a person who has experienced the challenge that you signed up… then,
• Question #1: Make a suggestion how to promote their levels of spirituality in a sensitive and appropriate manner considering the challenge
For example, Southwick and Charney (2018) introduced a moving prayer written by Patience Mason, the wife of a veteran who returned from Vietnam with PTSD (p. 132). Similarly, you can suggest a prayer, poem, song, movie clip, book, website, research article or blog (anybody reporting the effects of spirituality on resilience in the topic that you’ve been working on?), or any resource that you think can help them stay resilient by addressing their spirituality and cite it in the APA format. Please do not “force” a particular view or try to “convert” them to something else… let’s respect diversity and freedom 🙂

Resilience Factor 5: Social Support
Scientific evidence clearly indicate strong associations between social support and resilience / health as Southwick and Charney (2018, p. 145) describe under the section, “Social support protects against physical and mental illness”. They provide the following three tips to promote social support:
1. Try to attend social gatherings of any kind – join a hiking group or a book club, or enroll in a continuing education class; take part in religious services or help out at a community event.
2. Join a committee within an organization: As a committee member, you may be assigned specific tasks and goals, which will allow you to interact in a productive way with other group members.
3. Join a support group: Support groups of many kinds – including online support groups where the participants never meet in person, and perhaps do not even know each other’s identities – can provide the crucial social support that helps us recover after a trauma, or to endure an ongoing ordeal such as living with cancer or HIV/AIDS, or raising a child with special needs.
Let’s focus on the tip #3 for your team projects:
• Question #2: Identify a support group for the specific challenge that you signed up and provide information about it (make sure you cite the resource in the APA format).
For example, although I sometimes find their information somewhat not so reliable, there is a website called “Patients Like Me
(Links to an external site.)
” where you can become virtually connected with other people who are diagnosed with the same illness as yours, such as Cancer.

Resilience Factor 6: Role Models
Southwick and Charney (2018) introduce the following principles to learn from role models (p. 172):
1. Observe the skill in a variety of settings. You will need to observe the skill numerous times.
2. Break the skill into simple segments: if you want to use modeling to learn a complex skill, it helps to subdivide the complex skill into simple natural segments and then focus on one segment at a time. If, on the other hand, you try to learn the entire complex skill (e.g., putting a golf ball, or trying to become more resilient) without breaking it into segments, you will likely be bombarded with too much information, will make many errors, and will have great difficulty mastering that skill. Breaking the skill into simple segments will take time and concentration.
3. Transform the simple natural segments into rules designed to guide behavior in differing situations.
4. Practice: you will find it helpful to practice in between observations. You may do this by imagining that you possess a particular attitude, personality style, or behavior that resembles that of your role model, or by actually enacting the desired attitude, style, or behavior in your own life. Both forms of practice appear to be effective, although real-life enactment is eventually required for successful imitation.
5. Obtain feedback: whenever possible, ask an expert, or someone with a trained eye, to point out similarities and differences in your behavior and the behavior that you are attempting to emulate. This expert can then recommend steps to correct deviations from the model.
To do so, we’d have to identify a role model first… so let’s focus on this.
• Question #3 Identify a role model who has experienced the specific challenge that you signed up and demonstrated resilience, and describe the story (make sure to cite the resource in APA format).
You may identify an author of a book, blog, website, TED talk, or maybe a movie about a person, etc. For example, here is a TED talk by Megan Washington, titled Why I live in mortal dread of public speaking
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. Her story about how she has overcome her stutter with singing is quite inspiring!

Watch the ted below will help for this question

Health Medical Homework Help