Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Microbiology Question


Please read the scientific article posted in Canvas > Week 5 > Paper_HW2_alternative and write

an essay to comment on the research presented on the article. The scientific article has been

published on the peer- reviewed journal Plos One. At the end of the peer-review process, after

the reviewers give comments to the authors of the manuscript, the editor of the journal sends a

letter to the authors to tell them whether the article has been accepted for publication or rejected.

That’s when you come into play: imagine that you are the editor of Plos One and you are writing

a letter to the authors to tell them that the paper has been accepted for publication.

In the letter, you should present an overview of the paper, including strengths and limitations.

When doing that, you may want to touch upon the paper’s experimental question (a), hypothesis/

es (2), and explain how results and conclusions confirm or refute the hypothesis/es (3).

You may also include how each figure ties into the results. If you think that one of the figures

could be omitted, please explain why.

Note: even if you don’t understand a specific methodology utilized in the paper and its

corresponding figure, it is ok (we know that). Just refers to the written text rather than the figure

legend in the paper to guide you toward the overall conclusions.

The letter should be written as following:

Font: 12; double or 1.5 spaced (your choice). Minimum 3 pages and maximum 6. It is a letter so

no references are needed. Please ubmit it as PDF to Canvas by Wednesday, July 28, at 11:59PM

Science Homework Help