Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. University of North Carolina Effects of Rankings on External Audiences Discussion


The class is comprised of four units. An applied reflection paper will be due at the end of each unit. In these short essays (1,200–1,500 words), your task will be to apply key concepts from that unit’s texts and lectures to a subject of your choosing.

For ARP2, please select a topic and use concepts from at least two academic texts that we have read in this unit to analyze that topic.

Unit 3 – Ranking, sorting, relevance, and value.•

Wendy N. Espeland & Michael Sauder (2007). “Rankings and reactivity: How public measures recreate social worlds.” American Journal of Sociology113(1): 1–40.

Tarleton Gillespie (2016). “#trendingistrending: When algorithms become culture,” pp. 52–75 in Algorithmic Cultures: Essays on Meaning, Performance and New Technologies,

Business Finance Homework Help