Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Northern Virginia Community College Create a Computer Program MySQL Coding Task


Option A – MS Access

Now that you’ve documented the existing Access DB, it’s time to start modifying it to add new tables and fields, as well as some basic UI (just forms for now).

You have been tasked with the following:

  1. Download and use the following, updated database (DO NOT USE THE DB YOU HAD FROM THE PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENT)
  2. Schema changes:
    1. Add a quantity field to the bridge table that holds individual items for each sale. Use the proper data type (quantity is how many of an item were sold).
    2. Add a field called unit_capacity_per_day to the product table. This will hold the number of any particular type of cupcake that the business can produce per day–basically like an inventory amount, except that cupcakes are baked every day rather than manufactured and stored in a room or warehouse. Use the appropriate data type.
    3. Add a new table for event catering called event. It should have a PK field (autonumber, marked as PK), plus:
      1. customer_id
      2. order_id
      3. event_datetime
      4. bake_order_datetime
      5. description
      6. delivery_instructions
      7. notes
  3. User Interface:
    1. Create a new form for the customer table.
    2. Create a new form that includes the sale and sale_item tables.
      1. The master form should be for an individual sale, and the subform should be for related sale_items.
      2. Replace the customer_id FK input field with a new combo box that uses a query to get a list of customers (and stores the value in the customer_id field), with the following two columns:
        1. customer_id
        2. last_name & “, ” & first_name (put the expression with the ampersands into the field definition exactly as written)
    3. Spend at least half an hour playing around with the layout and customization/styling of the forms. It doesn’t have to look ‘pretty’, but I need to see that you tried to change the layout.

As always, try your best and demonstrate that you put in a good faith effort.

You must submit an Access DB (.accdb). This assignment will only accept a text entry for any explanation you would like to add-and a single .accdb file.

Programming Homework Help