Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CISS 243 ADE – Programming III


This assignment uses the linked list provided for the discussion and the class you created for the discussion. Overload the [ ] operator in the linked list so that it behaves like an array. If 0 is provided it gets the first element (data stored in list) in the list, if 1 is provided then it returns the second element in the list.

Create a class called BaseballPlayer which maintains the player’s stats and name.

The class will have data members for the following stats

  1. Number of hits
  2. Number of home runs
  3. Number of walks
  4. Number of strike outs

Provide methods

  1. Constructor with four parameters
  2. Accessors and mutators for the data members
  3. Overload any operators that are needed

The driver class will create several players and put them into an instance of the derived linked list class. The program will tell the user which player has the best stats based the scoring below and which player is the worst.

  • A hit is worth 1 point
  • A homerun is worth 4 points
  • A walk is worth 1 point
  • A strike out is worth -1 points
  • The total of the points will determine who has the higher and lower stats.

***According to the instructor, my answer is incomplete***

“please submit the entire project including the .vcproj and .sln files.”

***I have added a screenshot of what needs to be included***

Programming Homework Help