Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENG Ashford University Maya Angelou Verbal Memoir Discussion


I need help with a English question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Make sure that you have at least one original posting for each reading as well as one response post for your classmates’ posts for each reading.  You should have a total of 6 posts by the end of the unit, 3 original posts and 3 replies, for this unit. 

Don’t forget your discussion titles should be in the form of a question.

I am including a definition for the following terms which may help you in answering the prompts for each reading.

Ethos: the source’s credibility, the speaker’s/author’s authority

Logos: the logic used to support a claim (induction and deduction); can also be the facts and statistics used to help support the argument.

Pathos: the emotional or motivational appeals; vivid language, emotional language and numerous sensory details.

Anecdote:  a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.

Remember to include quotations from the readings to support your points in order to practice this skill for your essays.   Use properly-formated MLA in-text citations when including quotations

Part 1 

Amy Tan, “Mother Tongue (548): 

Post a paragraph response for: “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan (in your textbook)

Be sure to title your posts with a compelling question that your classmates may want to respond to.

Find an anecdote that stood out to you in this reading.  Discuss possible reasons why Amy Tan may use anecdotes in her writing.  Find examples of Tan’s use of the rhetorical tools listed in the discussion unit overview.

Include examples from your own experiences with different types of English you use with family, friends, co-workers, interest groups, etc.  Try to use anecdotes to illustrate the different Englishes you experience in your own life

Part 2 

Post a paragraph response on the following video:

“Jesus Shaves” – If the link breaks, on Youtube, search for David Sedaris “Jesus Shaves” 

Although you are listening to David Sedaris’ material in a Youtube video,  analyze his approach to story-telling in this piece. What purpose do his anecdotes serve? Does he have any other purpose beyond humor? What do you think is his thesis or main idea in this essay? What specific details does he use to bring the characters and the situation to life? How does he shift his tone from humorous to poignant? Find an example of Sedaris’ uses of the rhetorical tools listed in the discussion unit overview.

Part 3

“Love Liberates”   If the link breaks, search on Youtube with name Maya Angelou “Love Liberates”

What is the main idea in Maya Angelou’s verbal memoir? What anecdotes does she use to illustrate her main idea? How is her tone different than Sedaris’ material? What specific and vivid details does Angelou include that bring each of her anecdotes to life?  

Find an example of Angelou’s uses of the rhetorical tools listed in the discussion unit overview.

Humanities Homework Help