Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CS 374 Colorado Technical University Online Software Architecture Overview


Assignment Specification

Assume that you are a software development architect of a global
company that has over 50,000 employees working in 15 countries and 50
offices. You have accepted a task that requires you to design a new
cloud-based, unified, business contract management software system to
replace the company’s old business contract management system, which was
built based on the data management systems from three different
software vendors: Oracle DB, Microsoft SQL Server, and SAS Business
Intelligence. The main goals for this project are the following:

  • To remove the difference between the user interfaces of all three
    data management systems and to provide unified access to all of the
    required business functionality
  • To enhance the security and reliability of the business data
  • To improve the system availability and performance

You are required to conduct the following tasks in this particular order:

  1. Based on the specification of the Individual Project above, identify
    at least 5 specific functional requirements and at least 3
    nonfunctional requirements of the software. Then, distribute all of the
    requirements into at least 3 use cases, and use Unified Modeling
    Language (UML) use case diagrams to present all of your use cases.
  2. Through the library and the Internet, research for information
    about the software design paradigm. Select 2 different software design
    paradigms that can be used for this project, and discuss the pros and
    cons of each software design paradigm. Then, identify which one you will
    use, and present the reasons for your decision.
  3. Conduct detailed, high-level architecture design for the
    software. Specify user interfaces and associated use cases, specify
    software components and the interactions or communications between the
    components, and specify which component will support which use case or
    user interface.
  4. Document all of the results and details produced in the first
    three steps in a document titled “Software Architecture Overview” by
    following the template given below.

Template for Software Architecture Overview Document

  • Cover page
    • Title
    • Course number
    • Student name
    • Date of completion
  • Content pages (4 pages)
    • Background information
      • Functional requirements
      • Nonfunctional requirements
    • User interfaces specification
      • Associations between requirements and use cases (including UML use case diagrams)
      • Associations between use cases and user interface
    • Components overview
      • Components specifications
      • Interaction or communication between components
      • Supporting relationship between components and use cases
    • Design rationale
      • Pros and cons of software design paradigm 1
      • Pros and cons of software design paradigm 2
      • Your choice and rationale
  • References page in APA format
    • Please list at least 4 references (textbooks and the 2 references used in this assignment description can be used as well).

Computer Science Homework Help