Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. GMU Agile Systems Questions


textbook: software engineering lan sommerville tenth edition

Answer the following short answers from chapter 3 & chapter 4 minimum of 50 words of each question

Chapter 3

1. For what types of system are agile approaches to development particularly likely to be successful?

2. List the 5 principles of agile methods.

3. List 4 questions that should be asked when deciding whether or not to adopt an agile method of software development.

4. What is test-first development?

5. What are the possible problems of test-first development?

6. What are the barriers to introducing agile methods into large companies?

Chapter 4 Review

1. What are user requirements and system requirements?

2. What is the distinction between functional and non-functional requirements?

3. List 3 types of non-functional requirement?

4. What are the principal stages of the requirements engineering process?

5. What is ethnography and how is it used in requirements elicitation?

6. What information should be included in a scenario.

7. What is the distinction between the terms’ shall’ and ‘should’ in a user requirements document, which is written in natural language

Computer Science Homework Help