Science Homework Help. Millikan “Oil Drop” Experiment
Due within a day and 10 hours
Attached Files:
Miliken_data.xls (30.5 KB)
charge_of_electron.pdf (99.315 KB)
Charge_of_electron_Dry_lab_data.pdf (41.775 KB)
AdditionalData.pdf (183.648 KB)
Please download and look over the attached documents.
Please read over the procedure and use the supplied data to find the charge of the electron using graphical techniques.
Please view the videos before analyzing the data.
Making it look simple
What it really looks like
Full Movie:
The Mechanical Universe and Beyond 12 of 52 “The Millikan Experiment”
Here is the fall time date:
Fall Time (s) Intervals
5.65 1
22.2 5
11.59 2
7.85 1
13.54 2
30 3
35 3
45 4
45 5
35 5