Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Broward College Health Plan for Obese Populations Paper


In a 4-page paper, select a specific population and develop a specific health plan to include strategies to promote health and lifelong learning for all age groups within that specific population.

Use the 7th ed APA-the Professional format & headings are required. All levels may be needed. Cover and reference pages are not included as part of the four pages. No abstract required.

Includes a minimum of one reference from an English titled, peer-reviewed nursing journal (less than 5 years old) and one from the course textbook. (Textbook required below)

Title: Community and Public Health Nursing

Author(s): Rector, C. (2019).

Publisher, Edition: Edition: 9th ed.

ISBN: 13: 978-1-4963-7625-1

Health Medical Homework Help