Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. SPHS 540 American Public Univerity Personal Behavior Change Journal Profile


Personal Behavior Change Reflection

Describe yourself using your week 1 journal profile (you do not need to include the complete profile here, but summarize your current wellness).

Describe your primary long-term behavior change goal and the stepping stone goals identified in the week 2 SMART contract.

What behavior change strategies did you use? What visible evidence do you expect to see as change happens? What are the measurements and assessment expectations?

What have you accomplished thus far? What was the most difficult thing about trying to change? Where have you fallen short?

What will you do in the next 12 weeks to continue on the path towards meeting your goal(s)?  What are the habits or behaviors currently preventing you from reaching the long-term goal?  What internal motivations do you have for not doing what is necessary? What are possible solutions?

How did it feel to try to change? What was the most satisfying part of the process or result?  What have you learned about yourself in the process?

Health Medical Homework Help