Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Chapter 6: America’s War for Independence, 1775-1783; The Early years of the Revolution



Primary Source Analysis Essay

Your essay will require you to prepare a substantive research-based project that explains the goals and beliefs of different people in this historical period. You must select a validated written primary source document and write a thoughtful, analytic essay on both the meaning and significance of the source and its subject within a greater historical framework. I will offer further instruction including formal guidelines for this project during the semester.

This course will rely upon a variety of instructional methods to convey the course material to the students. Our classes will rely predominantly upon instructor lectures and instructor-led discussions. From time to time, however, students will have the opportunity to conduct group work, usually for the purpose of creating thoughtful, analytical answers to questions relating to primary source material. Students will also be instructed to offer individual oral (and occasionally informally written) responses to various visual aids including political cartoons, paintings and portraits, photographs, and written primary source excerpts. Video excerpts may be infrequently employed to demonstrate a relevant, visual representation of the historical content currently under examination.

link for the book that we are using:


link for the grading rubric:


Sources: 7 sources required

Citation Style: MLA

7 pages / 1925 words (Double spacing)

Humanities Homework Help