Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Human Physiology


Question 1: Explain the molecular events which occur in the sarcomere which result in contraction.

Question 2: Compare excitation-contraction coupling and relaxation in cardiac and skeletal muscles.

Question 3: Compare the structure and function of skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscles.

Question 4: Compare the action potentials of contractile cardiac muscle, auto-rhythmic cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle.

Question 5: Describe the conductions of electrical signals through the heart.

Question 6: Explain the role of the autonomic divisions in control of heart rate at the cellular and molecular level.

Question 7: Describe the parts of the electrocardiogram (ECG) and explain how these electrical events are related to the mechanical events of the cardiac cycle.

Question 8: Explain the pressure changes which occur during the cardiac cycle.

Question 9: Explain the Frank-Starling law of the heart.

Question 10: Describe in detail how baroreceptor reflex demonstrates the core concept of homeostasis.

Question 11: Explain how the Starling forces regulate bulk flow in the capillaries using the core concept of flow-down-gradients.

Question 12: Explain the of relationship of the pressure changes which occur during the cardiac cycle and the flow of blood through the heart and blood vessels.

Question 13: Explain the principles underlying the measurement of blood pressure using a sphygmomanometer

Question 14: Explain Poiseuille’s law.

Question 15: Explain how the autonomic nervous system influences the flow of blood to organs of the body. Make sure to include which adrenergic receptors are involved in this influence.

Question 16: Explain and give the formula for Boyle’s law and how changes in thoracic volume are related to Boyle’s law.

Question 17: Compare tidal volume, expiratory reserve volume, inspiratory reserve volume, residual volume, vital capacity, total lung capacity, inspiratory capacity, and functional residual capacity.List the average values for each volume and capacity.

Question 18: Explain the four stages of external respiration and identify the gradients (driving force) and resistance of each stage.

Question 19: Explain how local mechanisms allow for the matching of ventilation and perfusion.

Question 20: Explain how the oxygen dissociation curve is related to the properties and function of hemoglobin.

Question 21: Discuss how changes in temperature, PCO2, pH and 2,3 DPG concentration shift the oxygen dissociation curve.

Question 22: Explain how oxygen dissociation curve shifts affect oxygen loading in the lungs and unloading at the tissues.

Question 23: Compare the structure and functions of the major regions of the nephron.

Question 24: Compare the structure and function of cortical and juxtamedullary nephrons.

Question 25: Using our core concept of homeostasis, explain how the kidney is involved in controlling fluid osmolarity.

Question 26: Using our core concept of flow-down gradients, explain the movement of glucose in and out of the nephron.

Question 27: Explain how the vertical concentration gradient n the medulla and the concentration of vasopressin influences the volume and osmolarity of urine.

Question 28: Discuss the effect of renin, angiotensin, and aldosterone on blood pressure.

Question 29: Compare the mechanism and effect of loop diuretics, thiazide diuretics, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB).

*Responses should be at least 2-3 paragraphs. Professor says that he should be able to take your answer and make 8-12 multiple choice questions from the information in your answer. He is a little picky

*List means just that, make a list.

*Diagram means draw and label;

*Describe means tell me about it;

*Explain means tell me how it works;

*Compare means tell me how things are similar and how they are different.

*For describe, explain, and compare questions.

*THINK about what you want to write, OUTLINE your answer, and then write your answer.

*Answer with a short paragraph or series of paragraphs. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence, several sentences which support or elaborate on the topic sentence, and a transition or concluding sentence.

* If a series of paragraphs are needed, the first paragraph should be an introduction to your answer.


Science Homework Help