Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Northern Virginia Community College Energy Value of Food Worksheet


Maintaining a healthy weight plays an important role in reducing risk of many diseases that include heart disease and diabetes. Knowing the kcalorie or energy contribution of individual foods will help you select foods that encourage energy balance. You will practice calculating the energy value of foods based on carbohydrate, fat, and protein content. We will apply this information when evaluating the nutrient density of foods in your own diet.


  1. Complete download. Calculate the number of kcalories (energy value) for the meal provided using the following conversions: protein provides 4 kcal/g, fat provides 9 kcal/g and carbohydrate provides 4 kcal/g.
  2. Submit your work here as an attached file. Be sure to include your total kcalories for the meal and your assessment of the meal.

Health Medical Homework Help