Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Brite Divinity Lowest Unit Rate Limitation for Candidate Commercials Discussion


Answer the three Questions (at least 150 words per response)

APA style: Use at least three sources. Make sure to use the key terms provided

1. Do you think the lowest-unit-rate limitation for candidate commercials is
working in the public interest, or is it merely a statutory perk for candidates?
Given the shallow, misleading, and even mean-spirited nature of today’s
political advertising, should broadcasters be allowed to set extra high rates
for political advertising if they wish?
2. On the other hand, is it a wise use of the nation’s airwaves to stick to a
schedule of sophomoric TV sitcoms during the height of campaign season,
making it difficult for new candidates and potential leaders to become known
and to succeed? Would a significant amount of mandated, free air time for
candidates actually improve national discourse, help us solve problems, and
help us spot and elect tomorrow’s best leaders? Could such a system be
devised with some safeguards against abuse, or would that violate the First
3. Do you see any evidence that the children’s TV programming requirement
has had a positive impact in our society? As children shift more and more of
their attention to the Internet and less time to TV, does it make sense to continue
saddling TV broadcasters with the “kid-vid” programming rules?
Key Terms
core children’s programming
equal opportunities rule
fairness doctrine
must-carry law
network non-duplication rule
PEG channels
personal attack rule
political editorial

Law Homework Help