Science Homework Help. Biology Question
- Define what it means to be human from an anatomical perspective by discussing what you learned in the class.
- Define what it means to be human from a cultural perspective by discussing what you learned in the class.
- Choose one of the fossil species that is not designated as Homo sapiens and make a convincing argument as to why they should be thought of as the first genuinely human beings. You must refer to specific anatomical and/or cultural facts.
- Use Academic Search Complete (EBSCO), found on this DVC Library page, to find two (2) published articlesabout this species that discuss their anatomy and/or culture. Websites, encyclopedias, and other books are not acceptable references for this assignment.
- Provide evidence to support your argument by discussing the specific details of anatomy and/or culture that are detailed in these references.
- Paraphrase important points to demonstrate that you read and understood both references.
- Use correct APA-style in-text notes to cites references when you use them in the body of your essay. Click here for guidelines on APA style in-text notes.
- Provide an APA-style list of only the references that you cited in your essay at the end of the paper. Click here for guidelines on the APA style list of references.
- Write a minimum of 1500 words (about 3 pages single-spaced).
IMPORTANT: No form of academic dishonesty will be tolerated. This includes:
- cutting and pasting words from anywhere without putting them in quotes, citing the source, and providing a reference
- paraphrasing what you read somewhere without citing the source and providing a reference
- attaching a bogus reference to a statement; claiming that your information came from a source it does not actually come from
- having someone else write your paper