Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. The Social Dilemma Essay



subject: “The social dilemma” Netflix documentary! First: You will be doing a rhetorical analysis of the film following the elements discussed in the Purdue (Links to an external site.) Owl (Links to an external site.) in the first part of your essay. The readings include the sub-categories of “Elements of Analysis” and “Organizing Your Analysis.” Next: For the second part of the essay, you will include research that either supports what the film’s thesis was OR find research that weakens the film’s thesis. -For example: many people have seen the doc Super Size Me. For those that have not, according to the documentary website, “Super Size Me is one man’s journey into the world of weight gain, health problems and fast food. It is an examination of the American way of life and how we are eating ourselves to death.” -If you were to find evidence to support his claim that fast food, eaten in large quantities on a regular basis, is unhealthy, you would include this in the second part of your paper as research. -The other way you could go would be to do some research on how good fast food is for people, thereby weakening his thesis. (Remember, this film is an example, you are not to use Super Size Me for your paper) -For the research aspect of this essay, you will be directed to the SWC Library (Links to an external site.) I am pointing this out because there is a lot of poor (ok, crappy) material out there online and you want reputable, respectable sources. This is one key to college writing, you will find these on sites like EbscoHost and ProQuest, just to mention two. Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedias are not allowed. If you are accessing the sites away from campus, there are directions on how to obtain passwords available at the library. Paper guidelines: Three (full) – four pages double spaced with MLA heading and 1″ margins. This is an essay. Have a clear thesis to guide your paper, body paragraphs that address the prompt that were introduced in the intro, and a conclusion that ends the paper with no new information. Third person only, no “I, me, my, you, we, etc.” No personal opinion. Please pick a film that interests you. It must be approved by me first. Make sure there are sources that will work for your paper before you submit your choice. MLA format plus Works Cited page (your film plus 2 outside sources). Submitted through the Assignments tab on Canvas (it will be run through an anti-plagiarism program) Inclusion of two outside sources to support your essay – this means quotations integrated into your essay. If you have not worked with outside sources before, or, if it has been a while, consult the handout in Course Information, “Integrating Quotes” and the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) for MLA format, quotes, and Works Cited page. Sources must be peer reviewed journals available in the Library or through the library’s website. Newspapers, dictionaries, Wikipedia or other media are not approved sources. What You Will Be Graded On: How well you respond to the assignment Structure and organization of your essay (introduction, thesis, transitions, conclusion) Clarity and quality of your writing: it is free of typographical or grammatical errors Use/integration of outside sources MLA format Microsoft WORD format (it must be in .doc or .docx format) or PDF. Other programs will not be accepted. A tip about your sources: you will be required to find your sources from our college library’s database; no Wikipedia, dictionaries, or encyclopedias. Remember to check the comments from your last 2 papers. Avoid losing points for short papers, papers without correct MLA headings, lack of development, sentence structure, etc. As usual, as questions are asked, I will answer individual emails and send announcements with the questions.

Sources: 2 sources required

Citation Style: MLA

3 pages / 825 words (Double spacing)

Humanities Homework Help