Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. FTCC Choosing an Operating System for A Business Analysis


Most people have never used a desktop operating system (OS) other than Windows, but as technology professionals, we
are expected to be able to make rational decisions based on our expertise of the subject matter.

We need to know the
advantages and the disadvantages of a Microsoft, Linux, or Mac OS.
In this assignment, you will compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of three well-known OSs used in
business: Linux, Windows, and Mac OS. In addition, if you were the system administrator, which would you prefer? Explain
your reasoning.

Your case study must be a minimum of two pages in length. You need to include at least one academic resource other than
your textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have
accompanying citations and be cited per APA style.

Computer Science Homework Help