Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Health & Medical Epidemiology for Public Health Exposure to Bisphenol Article Review


  1. Provide a general description of the study hypothesis [the scientific question that the investigators are attempting to address], including the exposure/intervention and health outcome(s) being investigated. [Your study may have multiple exposures and/or outcomes – briefly summarize these or describe what you consider to be the ‘main’ exposure and outcome]
  1. Briefly describe the study population. What was the source population used for the study, and what methods were used to arrive at the final study sample (exclusion/inclusion criteria, sampling methods, etc.)?
  1. Is there a comparison group? If so, describe them. If not, how will inferences be made about the association between the exposure and the outcome?
  1. Briefly describe the major findings of the study. What do the authors highlight as the major conclusions that can be drawn based on the data they have provided?

Health Medical Homework Help