Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. University of Texas Arlington Cyber Security and Risk Management Discussion


Cyber Security and Risk Management

Read the attached two peer reviewed articles on Cyber Security and Risk Management and complete the following activities:

1.  Summarize the two (2) articles in 300 words (150 for each article). Please use your own words. No copy-and-paste

2.   Discuss the relationship between cyber security and risk management. (200 words)

3. As an IT manager, discuss how you will use the concepts discussed in these articles in the management of IT risks within your company.(200 words)

4. Dashboards are used in thousands of businesses every day. Review this dashboard and discuss how the government, hospitals and others could benefit by something like this: . Be sure to go to the top of the page and look at both data and map.Discuss how risk management comes into play here. (200 words)

Computer Science Homework Help