Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Ohio State School of Cosmetology Statistical Tests ANOVA Discussion


Design your own study using one of the following statistical tests: one-sample t-test, paired samples t-test, independent samples t-test, or ANOVA. Give (1) your sample, (2) research question, (3) the appropriate test with the null and research hypotheses, and (4) the two variables, including (a) how you would measure both variables and (b) each variable’s level of measurement. Be creative. Do not include data in your response.

Response Posts:

Read the posts of other learners and respond to at least 2 other learners. Your responses are expected to be substantive in nature and reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature to support your views and writings.


For my study, I will be examining the effect that regular exercise has on self-reported indicators of major depressive disorder. The sample will be selected from University volunteers who test with an initial score greater than or equal to 10 using the widely accepted “Patient Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9)”, suggesting at least moderate depression (Kroenke, et al. 2001). The sample will be further filtered to include only volunteers who report participating in little-to-no daily exercise, and who lack physical disabilities making daily exercise unreasonably difficult or unsafe. The final cohort will be asked to perform a daily exercise routine designed by a personal trainer who will provide initial instruction. After 2 months, each member of the study that reports that they completed the daily exercises at least half the time will again be administered the PHQ-9. Study members who reported that they did not perform the exercises at least half the time will be retroactively removed from the cohort. The final PHQ-9 scores of the final cohort will be compared to the initial PHQ-9 scores to measure any change. The research question I seek to answer is whether regular daily exercise can impact symptoms of depression. To answer this question I will use a paired samples t-test to compare the mean PHQ-9 scores before and after the study period. This test will attempt to disprove the null hypothesis that there was no significant change in PHQ-9 over the course of the study, and thus lend support to the research hypothesis that there was a change in mean PHQ-9 by the end of the study. The variables used in this study are 1) whether or not an individual participates in regular daily exercise (nominal), and 2)  PHQ-9 score, which is the sum of 9 multiple-choice questions in which each possible answer to each question is assigned a score from 0-3, the sum PHQ-9 score for each individual is a discrete interval variable consisting of whole numbers from 0 to 27, with higher numbers corresponding to a higher degree of depression.


My study will be a paired samples t-test. My study will have 100 people with diabetes try a new medication meant to help lower their hemoglobin A1c. Their A1c will be measured before they start this medication and 1 year later. Hemoglobin A1c is measured via a blood test, and helps to identify how well your blood sugar is controlled over the previous 3 months.My sample is 100 people with diabetes. My research question is is there will be a difference in the means of the samples A1c results before and after taking the medication.My null hypothesis is that there will be no difference in the means of the samples A1c results before and after taking the medication.My two variables are: A1c results prior to taking the medication and A1c results after taking the medication. 

Health Medical Homework Help