Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Creative Art Project Proposal


The goal of the creative art project is to provide you with an opportunity to create an original work of art and show how much you learned in this class. You can choose any visual form or medium and show your creativity and imagination. You are required to submit a creative art project in order to pass the class in order to meet the University’s Foundations of Knowledge and Learning Core Curriculum Fine Arts requirement. It is worth 18% of your final grade. Make sure to carefully review the scoring rubric at the end of the syllabus for all required elements.

Step 1 – Choose an Artist

First, you need to choose an artist (painter, sculptor, photographer, etc.) whose work is interesting and inspiring to you. Do not copy his/her work but use it as a starting point for your project. For example, if you choose Boticelli’s The Birth of Venus, you may use the same mythological theme in a different medium such as sculpture, mosaic, or song.

Step 2 – Research

  1. Research the time period of your artist.
  2. Research the artist’s biography.
  3. Research the artist’s techniques, ideas, and inspirations.

The more information you know about the artist, the better you will understand the work that inspired you to create your project. Select 1 work by this artist that you particularly admire. You will be required to submit an image of this artwork at the end of the semester along with the project itself.

Step 3 – Proposal

  1. Decide on a medium (pain, clay, etc.).
  2. Type your project proposal (about 400 words) including the following information:
  • Artist.
  • Artwork you have chosen.
  • The medium.
  • How you will show “the spirit” of the artist and the chosen artwork.
  • What social angle applies to the work

EXAMPLE: Here is a pdf file containing a proposal from a previous semester that earned an “A” to help give you an idea of what is expected. Example is attached.

Proposal: REQUIRED, you must get approval for your project or your project won’t be accepted.

  • Well-developed paragraph (at least 400 words) free of grammatical and spelling errors.
  • Addresses chosen artist/artwork/movement used as basis of project, the medium, and intentions to capture “the spirit of” that artist and specific artwork.
  • Contains steps to how you will create your artwork and a timeline for how long you estimate it will take
  • Contains an image of the inspiration artist/artwork/movement
  • Identifies social angle of artist/artwork/movement

Humanities Homework Help