Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. St Petersburg College Abrahamic Religions Discussion


Can you help me understand this Religion question?

Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are known as the Abrahamic Religions because each traces its genealogy from the Prophet Abraham. Because of this background, there are beliefs and practices that are common to all three. In fact, they each worship the same God, even if they use different names and/or titles. For this topic explore some of the different names and/or titles for God that are used by each faith and provide an explanation for their use

Identify a couple of the names and/or titles used for God within the Tanak of Judaism. Present what each of your selections mean and why are they used. 

– Identify a couple of the names and/or titles used for God within the New Testament of Christianity. Present what each of your selections mean and why are they used.
– Identify a couple of the names and/or titles used for God within the Quran of Islam. Present what each of your selections mean and why are they used.-

Humanities Homework Help