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Business Finance Homework Help. Ashford University Motivation of Employees Essay


hey actually this is a paper that’s online. I need you to update it more better so that it doesn’t look like plagiarism. I am including the paragraph below .. Try to write them in a way that there is not much of similarity.

How to Motivate Employees

Motivation is a fundamental aspect of the life of human beings. That is because it acts as a driving force for most things. Several theories have been developed to explain ways in which individuals are motivated. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation influences the behavior of individuals. It is believed that it is crucial to have intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for individuals’ overall well-being, even though the two are the direct opposite of each other (Deci & Ryan, 2008). Over the years, several studies have been conducted to identify ways of enhancing employees` motivation to promote performance. For example, the Hawthorne studies found out that employees` motivation goes beyond financial resources because it incorporates concepts that shape attitude towards work. This paper focuses on becoming a credible motivator to twenty-first-century employees by obtaining a profound comprehension of the idea of motivation, the role of motivation, and ways of sustaining motivation. This paper also includes an in-depth analysis of the concept of employee motivation by evaluating several needs-based motivation theories in modern-day workplaces.

Research Questions

1. How does achievement influence employee’s motivation?

2. How does recognition influence employee’s motivation?

3. How do responsibilities influence employee motivation?

4. What are the effects of advancement on employee motivation at the workplace?

An Overview of Motivation in the Workplace

Abdullah, A. A., & Wan, H. L. (2013) defines motivation as either emotion or desire that works on a given will and makes it act to bring an idea to fruition. In other words, motivation refers to managers’ actions in giving employees a reason or an incentive to carry out a particular activity. Effective human resource management seeks to obtain the best from the employees while creating an environment where there is both improved job satisfaction and performance. Stajkovic et al. (2019) argue that motivation in the organization exists in two forms. Internal motivation refers to an individual’s inner drive to accomplish the set goals based on personality, values, beliefs, and mindsets, among other constructs. On the other hand, external motivation entails the drive towards task completion coming from an outside source. For instance, an employee aims to get a reward or promotion for work well done (Abdullah & Wan, 2013).

For the modern organization to attract and retain competent, qualified staff, organizational leaders have increasingly become aware of instilling and sustaining employee motivation by creating suitable work enabling conditions (Stajkovic et al., 2019). Similarly, Waqas, Z., & Saleem, S. (2014) provide that motivation has become a popular guiding principle enabling employees to stay focused on the success path in the light of many workplace challenges that face the organizations from time to time. A section of the motivation literature attributes motivation to the process that explains one’s intensity, direction, and effort toward goal achievement. It implies that employee motivation determines the levels of action they put in their work, the overall direction that the efforts are channeled, and the timeline measure of how they sustain the efforts.

Over time, organizational psychologists have established a link between employee motivation and job performance (Stajkovic et al., 2019). A happy worker is an effective worker. For many reasons, motivation is crucial to both employees and organizations. For example, motivation leads to creating a credible relation at the workplace, which results in increased productivity. Additionally, it also works towards developing employees’ careers through improved desires to carry out various tasks. It becomes the role of business leaders to identify and cultivate internal and external motivations among the employees to realize their potential towards work processes. A highly motivated workforce results in improved performance of the firm, creating a competitive advantage in its environment (Waqas & Saleem, 2014).

Business Finance Homework Help