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Humanities Homework Help. ARU Learnings of Listening as An Observation Method Discussion


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Topic 1: Review the chapter and discuss the following:

Discuss what you have learned about using listening as an observation method. What statement(s) stood out to you? Give page number.

What I learned about using listening as an observation method is that listeners notice teeth formation,facial expressions,body language,eye contact,sense of humor,and vocabulary choice. The section that stood out to me is diagnostic interviews(Nilsen,2017, pg.176).Listening to the messages ,the listener can also examine how the child is using language and quality of speech production it is then diagnostic interviews.

Discuss what you have learned about listening to Speech and Language. Did you learn something you didn’t know before? Give page number

What I have learned about listening to speech and language is that vocabulary is the range of words for objects,feelings,actions and thoughts.The function of language is communication of needs and eventually thoughts and questions. I also learned about listening to language play on (Nilsen,2017, pg 174).Listening to the conversation the children are having with friends and their problems solving strategies this is an opportunity for the teacher to know what the children are doing and thinking. I also learned about receptive language which has the capacity to listen ,hear ,and understand. I did learn something I didn’t know and that is Dual language learner on pg 189.I learned a lot about dual language learners and how the children learn how to speak their home language and learn a second language. Their brains are capable of understanding and speaking more than one language,and it is even beneficial for cognitive and social-emotional success when both home and school language are supported(Nilsen,2017, pg.189)..

Explain what kind of activities would you implement to promote language development.

The activities I would implement to promote language development would be having the children pull objects in special order or sequence,encourage children to use new vocabulary words learned during class lessons, and encourage children to talk about aspects of the story. I would have the children learned nursery rhymes and I would present children the opportunity to talk with each other.

Name your favorite part overall about this chapter. Your least favorite? Provide page number.

My favorite part of this chapter is The teacher’s role in language development pg 190. The teacher is using language all day for a variety of purposes: greeting,giving directions,regulating behavior and describing children’s activities(Nilsen,2017, pg.190). For example children best learn language through interaction with adults who show an interest in conversations,model verbal etiquette such as saying please and thank you (Nilsen,2017, pg.190).My least favorite part of this section is Elicited conversation pg 191 because This may be a contrived way to force speaking before the group that may cause more problems then benefits. The child may be reluctant to talk about the item, not want to have other children touch or play with it,or not have sufficient language to describe it (Nilsen,2017, pg.191). I think children shouldn’t be forced to share with the class and they should be able to when they’re ready.

How will you use the knowledge gained from this chapter? (Be specific

I would use the knowledge I have gained from this chapter by using facilitating Language such as “Tell me more” and “please tell Juan” when I am interacting with the children. I also gained knowledge on the types of listening which the teacher plans various activities based on the children’s age and level of understanding (Nilsen,2017, pg.182). The types of listening are Appreciative listening – pleasure in music, poems,stories,passive, Purposeful listening- following directions ,giving responses and Critical listening- thinking through responses to open ended questions and deciding on most logical solutions(Nilsen,2017, pg.183). I also gained knowledge on diagnostic interviews.Both casual conversations and structured interviews can be diagnostic.

Humanities Homework Help