Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Journal 2 – Study Plan


This Assignment I want you to take a few days and plan out times of study or academic time when you plan to work on the class. Plan ahead, actually make a plan to spend time for studying.

here is the word template you can write on and upload.

Write down the 3 or 4 times you plan to study over the next week.

Write them down HERE

Day and time you are setting aside to study




Then answer the following questions

  1. My daily planner had schedule _______ hours of academic time today. It turned out that I actually spent about _______ hours on my studies.
  2. At some times I was scheduled to study or do academic work I was doing this Instead:
  3. The academic time I most enjoyed today was doing
  4. I enjoyed this most because
  5. The academic time I least enjoyed today was doing
  6. I had the most difficulty getting started on this activity activity 1 and Why (2 parts to this question)
  7. During this time I was studying, I was interrupted by these people
  8. Other interruptions included the following (text messages, snap chat, You tube, etc)
  9. Is there something you can do differently to make your study time more productive, what can you change? Study in a different area, turn off phone, etc. Write a goal of something you can do differently. Then give it a try.

Humanities Homework Help