Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ETHS 121 Burbank American Master Narrative Limits American Identity Discussion These are the sources 


Did I submit all the unit 2 activities on time? Did I complete BOTH the discussions?Did I meet the standards of BOTH the discussions?Did I reply to my classmates by providing them further assistance, insight or appreciation of their work by explaining HOW their post helped you?Did I submit the assessment on time?  (Remember that everyone gets an extension on Sunday, so submitting on Sunday is NOT late.)Did I meet all the criteria for the assessment? Did I simply restate the question into statement?Did I dedicate 4-6 unit centered sentences to my explanation?Did I use at least 3 unit language terms/concept in BOLD in my explanation?When I read the explanation, does it read as if I am taking the whole unit and applying it to my explanation?Did I use the required supportive details from the unit?Did I introduce the unit support?Is the Unit support relevant to the essential question?Did I dedicate 3-5 sentences to comment after each selected support and did I make sure I am connecting my comment to my unit centered explanation?How did I demonstrate Mastery? (Explain how you interacted in week 4 and in Week 5)

Humanities Homework Help