Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Towson University Retail Store Target Corporation Analysis Essay


? Write one paragraph on the background of the business. (What industry the retail store is active in, which firms are its main competitors, etc.). Make sure that you include the address of the store on top of the assignment. 

? Describe the layout of the store with as much details as possible in one paragraph (where products are placed, what is the first thing people see when they enter the store, etc.) In one paragraph, explain why you think the layout is designed so. Why do you think they have some brands/products in one section of the store and some in the other sections? 

? Select two people other than yourself (Preferably strangers, if you could not find any, you can go with friends) who visit that store, as well, and interview them. In your interview, make sure you get information about their general purchase behavior (how often they go shopping for that particular product, do they go alone or with someone else, etc.), why they visit that store, how they feel about it, etc. Then summarize your interviews in one paragraph. You are not expected to have the transcript of the interview in your report, just the findings and key points of each  interview. (Make sure you talk about the demographics of the people you interview: age, education, gender, etc.)

? Based on the interviews, background information, and your general observations, provide some suggestions to the retail store management in one or two paragraphs. Remember, your suggestions must be based on the previous sections of the report and not on some general suggestions.

Business Finance Homework Help