Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SOCY 2077 University of Colorado Article by Lubitow and Miller Reading Response


Hi, this is for sociology upper division class and the idea of this writing is to respond to the reading question using the reading materials(pdf and link) which I have attached, with your own word 90% of the time. 3 double spaced 12 pt. Pages. Please use only the material provided( no external sources). Instruction by the instructor is below:-

Instruction by the instructor

  • Lubitow and Miller 2013: In this short article, the authors discuss controversy that emerged over the development of a bikeway in Portland, Oregon. What were the “apolitical sustainability” arguments of cycling advocates, and what were the “politicized sustainability” arguments of African American residents? How did the latter influence the city’s approach to planning the bikeway? The lead author will visit us in class on Monday. What questions do you have for her?
  • Kelley 2018: This short op-ed was published in the New York Times in 2018, just after Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice despite being credibly accused of sexual assault. What does Dr. Kelley want us to understand about social movements?
  • Address the following reading in your reading response this week: Finney 2014: I have assigned for you to read one chapter from Dr. Finney’s 2014 book, Black Faces, White Spaces: Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great Outdoors, in which she explains why African Americans are underrepresented in outdoor recreation and environmentalism. In this chapter, she discusses ways in which memory shapes African Americans’ experiences to the great outdoors. In your reading response, describe what you see as the primary points she is making about memory and people’s relationships to the outdoors in this chapter. How does this reading compare with your own experiences in the great outdoors, and/or how does it make you think differently about those experiences?

Kelley 2018:

Thank you!!!

Humanities Homework Help