Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SOCY 2077 University of Colorado Fracking According to Gasland Research Paper


Hi, the idea of this paper is to write an essay about the environmental issue presented in the documentary film

“Gas land 2010:” by using the lecture pdf and reading pdf which I have provided.

No external source except the lecture pdf and reading pdf and the documentary film. It is 4 to 5(1500-2500) pages double spaced, 12 pt. Follow and look at the instruction below which is provided by the instructor below. I chose Gas Land 2010 but if you have any better documentary that relates to environmental injustice and racism you can disregard this one (Gas Land 2010) use whichever you’ve said is best and let me know about it so I can watch it.

Instruction by the instructor

In this assignment, your task is to evaluate, in light of what you have learned in class this semester, how well environmental issues are represented in a non-fiction documentary film for mainstream audiences.

Select documentary film. It must be non-fiction, focus on environmental issues, and be produced for a mainstream (non-academic) audience.

Write a short essay in which you (a) specify what you watched/read/listened to (including, where appropriate, which episodes), (b) describe the environmental issues covered in it; (c) identify its key strengths in light of what you learned in class this semester; and (d) identify its key limitations in light of what you learned in class this semester. In making your case about the strengths and limitations, describe certain scenes, arguments, narrative devices, or other elements to support your arguments. To situate your arguments in light of what you have learned in class this semester, you must cite at least three required readings from class this semester as well as any relevant concepts from lecture. At the start of your essay, you must provide an abstract (100-200 words) of your essay that (a) specifies what you read/watched/listened to, (b) summarizes the environmental content it covered; (c) specifies its key strength in light of what you learned in class this semester; and (d) specifies its key limitation in light of what you learned in class this semester.

Your essay must be about 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced (or approximately 1500-2500 words), professionally composed, coherently organized, proofread, typed in 12-point font, and formatted with 1-inch margins. Submit it to the assignment folder on Canvas by 11am on Wednesday, April 28. You do not need to include a separate references list for the course readings/content you cite in this assignment, but you do need to include in-text citations, such as: (Andrews 1999) or (lecture 10/18/11).


Thank you!!!

Humanities Homework Help