Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Boston University WK 14 Engaging in Aggressive Marketing Case Study


Case 2: Having completed your case analysis on your first hospitality company now choose a hospitality company in another sector of the industry that you are interested in but have not previously explored.

Case Study Analysis is the practical application of the strategic management process. Working on case studies provides a structure to develop and practice the research and analytic skills you will use in business. A comprehensive and thorough analysis should include, but not be limited to the following: the company’s mission/vision, internal strengths and weaknesses (including financial and stock market analysis), a description of elements in the external environment (opportunities and threats), a problem and possible solutions for this problem.

For more information on case study analysis, review the following:

Some suggestions before you begin:

  • Be practical – make reasonable assumptions and supplement the information you find in the case with additional research.
  • Be realistic – recognize that there is never one single best solution, so justify your recommendations. Consider what will best benefit the company.
  • Be specific – avoid generalities, use numbers and exact data when possible.
  • Be original – make logical managerial decisions and assessments.

Case Study Analysis Format

Section One – Background
Briefly state the salient facts of the case in narrative form – include history and pertinent background information. Be concise and precise. Approximately 1 page. 10 points.

Section Two – Problem Statement
Briefly state the central problem in narrative form, and then list the symptoms of the problem. Approximately 1 page. 10 points.

Section Three – SWOT Analysis
Bullet and list in rank order – the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats relating to the case. Label the bullets using the information in the text and related Power Points. Four lists with a minimum of 4 points in each. 20 points.

Section Four – Financial Analysis
Generate a minimum of 2 financial ratios to assess the financial performance of the company. For each ratio provide:
ratio name, ratio definition, report the ratio result (product) of the most recent 2 years, report whether or not the findings for this ratio are poor, satisfactory or excellent. Explain. 10 points.

Section Five – Alternative Solutions
List a minimum of 3 alternative solutions. Assign a strategy name to each solution (see: illustrations in Weeks 3-6). Include at least 3 benefits and consequences (pros/cons) for each potential solution. Note – “do nothing” is NOT a solution! 1-2 pages. 25 points.

Section Six – Conclusion and Recommendations
Out of the proposed solutions, choose one that you believe is best. Explain. Design an action plan for the solution. Explain how it would solve the original problem within the case. 1-2 pages. 25 points.

Helpful Hints (How to Get an A)
All work must be word processed.
All work must be error free.
All work must be on time.
Content and style are BOTH important.
Label each section.
Include a title page, table of contents, reference page, etc.
Give credit where it is due.

Business Finance Homework Help