Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ARC Political Science Responsibility to Protect Resolution Paper


The Responsibility to Protect Resolution (R2P) was passed by the United Nations in 2005 in reaction to the atrocities in the Balkans and Rwanda in the 1990s. The R2P promotes the idea that sovereign states have a responsibility to protect their citizens from external as well as internal threats or harm. R2P can also be a major step in building positive peace.

The objective of this assignment is for you to research R2P, examine a case with R2P implications, and develop an action plan for that case to move towards positive peace.

Resources for this assignment:

  1. Watch this short video“Brief History of the Responsibility to Protect.” (Links to an external site.)
  2. Check out  Responsibility to Protect (Links to an external site.)
  3. Go to The Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (Links to an external site.) a nongovernmental organization working to uphold the principles of R2P. 
    1. Annual Report (Links to an external site
    2. Here is what you need to do to complete this assignment:Answer the following questions in your paper:
      1. What is R2P? What are the three pillars of R2P? (1 – 2 paragraphs)
      2. Pick a “Population at Risk” from the drop-down menu at the Global Centre for R2P. Using the website and the Annual Report, answer the following:
        1. What nation-state and population/group did you choose? (a few words)
        2. What is the risk level? (a few words)
        3. Brief background of the population/group.
        4. What type or types of conflicts? Could be a combination. Civil war? Separatist groups? Terrorist? Human Rights abuses? Crimes against humanity? Genocide?
        5. What is the current situation?
        6. What has the international response been?
        7. Develop an action plan to assist your population/group. Include in our plan how this action plan will contribute to the establishment of positive peace in the future. 

Humanities Homework Help