Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. SNHU Securing the Internet Facing Side of An IT System Discussion


The convenience and ease of online shopping can be difficult to resist. Being able to access massive retailers, such as Amazon, on any mobile device or computer makes it simple to browse and purchase products. Some retailers allow for 1-click purchases, which enables a user to click a single button to complete a purchase. When users purchase with this option, the retail site has all of the user’s personal information stored in its system: name, address, retailer-based subscriptions, credit card information, etc. Many of us are willing to potentially sacrifice the security of our private and sensitive information for ease of use, convenience, and expedited processes.

For this week’s discussion, consider internet-facing security, as well as the risks and vulnerabilities that are associated with internet-facing IT systems. Should you reference any internal or external resource, remember to cite your sources appropriately.

In your initial post, address the following:

  • Why is it important to secure the internet-facing side of an IT system?
  • Name an internet-facing security component that an e-commerce site could implement to protect and secure its internet-facing IT system.

In response to two of your peers, answer the following:

  • What about your peers’ proposed security components makes them viable?
  • Recommend an additional security component to further the dialogue.

    R1: Steve Gyurik posted Jun 14, 2021 1:06

Hello class,

It is important to secure the internet-facing side of an IT system to protect against many types of attacks. These attacks consist of, a Drive-By Download, where software and malware are downloaded and installed without the user knowing about it. Typosquatting/URL Hijacking, where an attacker will register a domain name that have similar typing errors that a user would punch in while trying to access a particular web site. Buffer Overflow is when boundaries are not enforced on what type of data can be inputted. Integer Overflow is when the maximum size of a numeric value is exceeded and used to store it in memory. A Zero-Day attack is an attack that exploits computer application vulnerabilities before they are known and patched by the application’s developer. (8.4.7 Web Application Attack Facts)

Some internet-facing security components that an e-commerce site could implement to protect and secure its internet-facing IT system consists of, using the latest browser with the latest patch level, installing antivirus, anti-spyware, pop-up blocking, and firewall software. Using HTTPS to encrypt the HTTP over Transport Layer Security (TLS) or over Secure Socket Layer (SSL), protecting your browser against threats. Users should be trained to log out of websites when they are finished online. Users should never allow applications to remember their authentication information. (8.4.7 Web Application Attack Facts)


8.4.7 Web Application Attack Facts, 4b08-4d5f-acea-5ec0c1f7f238

R2: Mae Nkanang posted Jun 15, 2021 8:48 AM

Hello Class

It is important to secure the internet-facing side of an IT system because it is the most attacked part of the IT system. Our internet-facing servers are constantly being probed by hackers looking for ways to damage our resources or steal them. It is very important that no holes are left unplugged which would allow hackers easy access. Securing the internet-facing side of an IT system will helps in identifying any misconfigurations or viruses that might allow the servers to be used as launchpad for hackers. A well secured internet framework can help businesses reduce the risk of damage and data theft. It will ensure the safety of information that are shared by dividing the data into several bits and encrypting them, then delivering them through separate path. It will also make sure that workstations are shield from malicious spyware.

One of the internet-facing security components that an e-commerce site could implement to protect and secure its internet-facing IT system is an SSL (Secure Server Layer) Certificate. The SSL certificate authenticates the identity of users and then encrypts data both on the store and in transit. SSL is very important in creating secure connectivity between the end-user systems and the e-commerce website. When it comes to tech-savvy buyers, it is important that there is a padlock icon and HTTPS in the address bar because this will allow them to be confident in providing their personal details and credit card information. It also proves to the customers that their data is properly encrypted and protected.

Dsons, J. (2020, September 17). E-commerce Website Security: 5 Best Practices to Protect Your Online Store. Business.Com.,and%20your%20e%2Dcommerce%20website.

Sciberras, N. (2019b, May 16). The Importance of Scanning Your Internet-Facing Assets. Acunetix.,would%20allow%20hackers%20easy

Engineering Homework Help