Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. TU Message Object Self Shift & Encrypted Text Message Python Programming Worksheet


explain the following code in english and what they do…

Message.__init__(self, text) 

self.shift = shift

self.encription_dict = self.build_shift_dict(shift)

self.message_text_encrypted = self.apply_encryption_shift(shift)

def get_shift(self):


A getter function to return the shift


# write your code here to perform the requirement

return self.shift

def get_encryption_dict(self):


A getter fun

ction to return a copy of the built_shift_dict


# write your code here to perform the requirement

return self.encryption_dict.copy()

def get_encrypted_text(self):


A getter function that returns the encrypted_text


# write your code here to perform the requirement

return self.message_text_encrypted

def change_shift(self, shift):


Reconstructs an EncryptMessage object. The text is the same but the shift is a new number

Returns: nothing


# write your code here to perform the requirement

EncryptMessage.__init__(self, self.get_message_text, shift)

Programming Homework Help