Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. NVCC Insomnia Essay



In this assignment, you are going to apply your training in identifying logical fallacies in a talk radio show from 2011. Whether you agree or disagree with the Occupy Wall Street movement  (Links to an external site.)is not the point, so please do not let your own personal politics get in the way. There are many logical arguments on both sides of the Occupy Wall Street situation that could have been used. But talk radio often employs other tactics to persuade its listeners, many of which are logical fallacies. 

What to do:

 Read Logical Fallacies from Purdue Online Writing Lab, then Download the Logical Fallacies in Talk Radio Exercise.docx

Listen to Audio Play

Then, fill out the form with the time, what was said, what fallacy from the list of fallacies we’ve studied is represented and your reasoning for why that fallacy is correct. Find at least seven fallacies (some may be repeats) in the 12-minute clip.

Foreign Languages Homework Help