Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. XML & XSL processing


For all exercises please use: method=”xml”, indent and most importantly xsl 1.0.

1. Given the input1.xml file, create an XSL file that will transform it to the format of output1.xml.

2. Given the input2.xml file, create an XSL file that will transform it to the format of output2.xml. Don’t forget to add the total_quantity.

3. Given the Countries.xml file, create an XSL file that will transform it to another XML, that will list all countries that speak English in a percentage smaller than 100.

Sample of output:


<country name=”Liberia”>

<language percentage=”20″>English</language>


<country name=”…”>

<language percentage=”…”>English</language>



4. Given the Countries.xml file, create an XSL file that will transform it to another XML that will list all courses that have “Computer” in the title and enrollment between 110 and 620. Retain the structure of Course elements from the original data.

Sample of output:


<Course Number=”CS107″ Enrollment=”500″>

<Title>Computer Organization and Systems</Title>


Introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer systems.













Programming Homework Help