Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. National University Sociology Durkheim and Marx Theories Question


Durkheim considered anomie and excessive individualism to be the central problems of the modern era while Marx focused on false consciousness and alienation. Define these concepts and use them to explain the different orientations of the two theorists in their analyses of what ails the modern world. In your essay reflect upon the social climate of the times in which Durkheim and Marx lived that influenced the development of their social theories and explain their usefulness for understanding the problems facing individuals and society in 21st century USA.

The focus is on the theories and what the theorists wrote, not the theorists’ biographies.

Exam essay requirements:

1. Organize your thoughts before you begin to write and make certain you write an introduction and conclusion. This is a formal essay, so write in complete sentences and paragraphs, and include an introduction and conclusion.

2. Exam Papers will be 2-3 pages in length, double-spaced.

3. Margins: Use standard margins of one inch top/bottom/left/right.

4. Fonts: Times New Roman 10 or 12, or Arial 10 or 12

6. Do not copy and paste and let other do your writing. Write in your own words. If you quote the actual words of Marx and Durkheim, so minimally.

7. Document sections of A & O and other course materials you used, e.g., (A & O, Durkheim, p. 79).

Humanities Homework Help