Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. WCU Public Awareness of The Role that Nutrition Play in The Etiology Discussion


Why is it important for a health care professional to learn as much as possible about the foods and diets of the ethnic groups served, including where food is purchased and how it is prepared, particularly when dealing with children? (this can be based on your own opinion and/or knowledge)

Second assignment:

What is the obvious problem that is being overlooked with respect to diet that Pollan discusses the second session of Part 2 titled “The Elephant in the Room”?

Do the issues presented in part 2 of IDF affect your life? How so—directly,on a daily basis, or more generally? Now or sometime in the future?

What evidence does the author use to support the book’s ideas? Is the evidence convincing…definitive or…speculative? Does the author depend on personal opinion, observation, and assessment? Or is the evidence factual—based on science, statistics, historical documents, or quotations from (credible) experts?

What kind of language does the author use? Is it objective and dispassionate? Or passionate and earnest? Is it biased, inflammatory, sarcastic? Does the language help or undercut the author’s premise?

What are the implications for the future? Are there long- or short-term consequences to the issues raised in the book? Are they positive or negative…affirming or frightening?

Talk about specific passagesthat struck you as significant—or interesting, profound, amusing, illuminating, disturbing, sad…? What was memorable?this is from thr book that I give you last week and follow the same rubric and I will send the feed back of last week assignment to get know what was missed.

First post : As a health care professional, understanding which diet your patient wants or needs is an integral part of their care.

First and foremost, culture plays a large role on what foods are consumed. During my schooling to become a PA, I took a course on cultural competency; and I am so thankful I did! I now live in Queens, the most diverse city in the world, and work no more than 5 miles outside of NYC so my patient mix is very diverse. Additionally, I work in ENT. I focus heavily on the way in which patients may get their nutrition with a focus on the throat and swallowing. I come across many people from many different cultures and beliefs so it is important I understand the diets they choose to follow. In the Muslim and Jewish religions, many follow a halal or kosher diet, respectfully. This often means the food is prepared in accordance with their religions. In Judaism, meats and dairy are typically not consumed together. They also do not eat pork which is similar to the Muslim religion (Reddy and Anitha, 2015).

As discussed in our class lectures, children often prefer bland diets, low flavor profile with mild textures. When dealing with children, it is important you offer new foods along with foods they are used to. Children 6-8 months should consume pureed foods, after 8 months you can introduce mashed foods. After one year you can begin introducing liquids from a cup and eventual graduation from the bottle. By 18 months children can be introduced to meats, raw fruits and vegetables and multi-textural foods. The main source of fluids should be water and milk to ensure proper nutritional intake and avoid the empty calories from excessive juices and sodas. 

second post : I think health care professionals should learn about foods and diets to give people schedules for their routines, especially patients who struggle with health issues such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Professionals should know nutrition and enough information about diet and understand relationships between diet and health conditions. This knowledge will help people trust the professionals, and it will help to see more social awareness about their health. In addition, people need guidance to avoid many health issues; a bad diet can be one reason for health issues. Understanding will help people to preventable diseases and be healthier. Professionals have to know about people’s differences and culture, traditions, and religion to avoid misunderstandings. In my country, Saudi Arabia requested and supported students to study professional programs in health promotion and education to help change the social awareness about nutrition and exercise. People will be healthier and understand dealing with their problems, especially those who struggle with chronic disease. Also, this awareness will reduce many bad habits and increases understanding of people. Professionals should be versed in many areas, including educational, organizing, advisory, and investigative functions, to understand any situation, especially if we talk about older people and children. After all, they need to treat well because they do not have enough knowledge and ability to do exercises or eat the food they need. 

Health Medical Homework Help