Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CSEC 477 George Mason Cloud Computing Vendor Services Research Paper


Cloud Security Standards & Cloud Service Provider

Compliance with the U.S. Federal Government Assignment Objectives

Examine US Federal security requirements for US Government cloud computing adoption. Evaluate the security policies and practices against the US security requirements of two of the top US cloud computing service providers.

Specific Instruction

  1. Read the referenced document published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) entitled as ‘Challenging Security Requirements for US Government Cloud Computing Adoption’, with a particular focus on the section entitled as Technically Oriented Security Requirements.
  2. Select any two of the following cloud service providers who were recently rated in the top 10 cloud computing vendors.
    • Microsoft Azure
    • Amazon Web Services
    • Salesforce
    • IBM Cloud
    • Google Cloud
  3. Utilizing the guidance provided by the NIST document, evaluate the compliance (i.e., High, Medium, or Low) of cloud service providers’ security policies and practices against the requirements listed in the referenced NIST document beginning on page 36 in the section entitled as Technically Oriented Security Requirements.
  4. Write a report providing the following.a. Description of each cloud service vendor’s product offerings (i.e., public, private, hybrid, value-added features, etc.)b. Create a security requirement compliance matrix for each of the NIST cloud security requirements. Describe the vendor’s specific cloud security policy and practice in response to each specific NIST cloud security requirement. Provide commentary on your assessed rating of the vendor’s compliance with the NIST requirement.c. Complete the report with a summary of findings and conclusions regarding the vendor’s compliance with the federal standard.d. Ensure that your written report adheres to the guidance listed in the assignment’s Grading Rubric.

Supplemental Material:

  • NIST document: Challenging Security Requirements for US Government Cloud Computing Adoption
  • Grading Rubric
  • Additional reference documentsResponse Format & Creation Notes & Tips
  • Read, review, and use the Homework 2’s GRADING RUBRIC, the paper’s completion guide.
  • The completed homework response should be organized so that it accommodates ease ofunderstanding.
  • The response may need to include a table of contents with navigational hyperlinks canfacilitate quick access to each section listed in the table of contents to the specific section of the paper.Submission and Grading
    • Ensure that the response is complete and uploaded via the D2L class site by the specific due date and time.
    • Grades will be based on the completeness, factual accuracy, and logical consistency.
    • Grades will be based on the completeness, factual accuracy, and logical consistency.
    • Grades will be posted in the class COL site.

Computer Science Homework Help