Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. FIN 640 Park University Investment Requirements in Mutual Funds Discussion


I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Write about a topic or current event that applies to the content in the current unit/module(Mutual Funds: Advantages and Disadvantages). This may be a current event that exemplifies or applies to the chapter concept(s), or a narrative written piece that relates to the unit concepts. You must have at least one reputable outside source for your written piece (in addition to the textbook). Examples of acceptable sources are Barrons, The Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger, Investopedia,, The source should be current (from the last six months). The article/source is the catalyst for your critical written piece. This is not an assignment where you simply report on an article or current event. You should engage in critical thinking, as the article/source is used to substantiate your point(s).

Business Finance Homework Help